40mb left. get more storage
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download location or share
for the price of a cup of coffee,
get yourself more storage for all your
documents, files, photos & videos.
+ you'd be helping us make
the internet a safer place
description – max 100 characters
album name:
album date:
write a few #hashtags below to find your photo(s) easily. you can search using tags by typing tags like: #paris in the search bar.
where would you like to move the selected items?
type the ghost album's name below
to confirm, please type the album's name below
the selected photo(s) will be gone forever!
everything in this album will be gone forever!
not ?
experiencing problems, have a feedback/question, need help or found a bug?
chances are we already have an answer to your question at our helpdesk! if not, don't worry! you can always reach out to us for more help there.
You have used all the storage space you can get for free.
For the price of a cup of coffee, you can get more storage and help us create a safe & private place on the internet.
If you're not ready to upgrade, you may still access your documents & files, but you won't be able to save or upload anything new until you clean up some space. accounts with exceeded storage space will be deleted after 30 days. If you have an email address on cryptee, you'll receive a warning notification 15 days ahead of time.You have used all the storage space your plan allows.
You can switch to a larger plan and store even more of your files securely and privately.
you're about to run out of storage space.
for the price of a cup of coffee, you can switch to a larger plan and store even more of your files securely and privately.
your files & photos come in all shapes and sizes, and they need to be cropped and resized to generate thumbnails. unencrypted services do this on their servers because they can see & access your photos. with Cryptee, your photos are encrypted on your device using your encryption key so that even we can't access them. to achieve this level of zero-knowledge, thumbnails need to be generated using your browser's canvas on your device before they're encrypted.
please disable your canvas blocker extension, or untoggle the privacy.resistFingerprinting flag of your browser (which blocks access to canvas) to start uploading files & photos.